Hoi4 german civil war
Hoi4 german civil war

Within the game, the UniGer is a giant event that largely impacts every nation in Europe, as it disrupted the balance of powers established in the Treaty of Vienna in true history. The UniGer is one of the main point scenarios of the A Nation Divided scenario, but can literally be done by any German state as long as they take a certain set of focuses. The UniGer is characterised by the German Question, a conflict between Austria and Prussia on who should lead the new German state, and after the Prussian victory of the Austro-Prussian wars Prussia under Otto von Bismarck lead the German Empire. The Unification of Germany(UniGer from below) was caused by the rise of nationalism in Germany following the revolutions of 18, and lead to the creation of a grand power in Central Europe. The Unification of Germany was a line of events that lead to the unification of the previously divided German states under Prussia, and then formed the German Empire.

Hoi4 german civil war